How Mahatma Gandhi Inspire Us

How Mahatma Gandhi Inspire Us

These lines are truly apt for you, as you were a great soul whose philosophy and ideology influenced the world considerably. You practiced non-violence and tried to resist all opposition spiritually, the practice is still been followed by most of the people in 21st century. Not just ordinary citizens many leaders were influenced by your philosophy and ideology which were adopted by many great leaders of the world- Leo Tolstoy, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, etc, successfully adopted and practiced your teachings. The world acknowledges your contributions to mankind even in 21st century.

Brajesh Kumar Singh

Brajesh Kumar Singh is the Founder of He love to Write About the Technology, Lifestyle, Fashion and other stuffs. Currently He is working with many Brands to boost Marketing and Handling Digital Marketing Activities. Brajesh has completed his B.Tech from B. P. Poddar Institute of Management and Technology. He is also Helping many NGO's. Little more description about Brajesh Can be found Below Entrepreneur •Social Media Evangelist • Social Media Outreach #Strategist •Digital Marketer •Founder at @ApnaContest @trickdefined @FeedKnock

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